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- Grupo Euroformac
Nivel A1
Módulo 1. Meeting people and introducing myself
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Greetings
3.Los pronombres sujeto + to be + have got
4.Artículos definidos e indefinidos
5.Género y número
6.Presente simple
7.Reading. Introducing myself
8.Writing. Now introduce yourself
9.Listening. The Alphabet
10.Listening. Hello!
11.Banco de gramática
Módulo 2. Tell me more about you
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Daily routine
3.There is/are, How much/many, Some/any
4.Números, horas, días y meses del año
5.Pronombres complemento objeto
6.Reading. This is my room
7.Writing. My bedroom
8.Listening. Countries and nationalities
9.Listening. Where are you from?
10.Banco de gramática
Módulo 3. This is my family
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. Family
3.Pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos
4.Pronombres y adjetivos posesivos
5.Presente continuo
6.Reading. Mark and his family
7.Writing. My family
8.Listening. Descriptions
9.Listening. The Weather
10.Banco de gramática
Módulo 4. Tell me where to go
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. People in the street
3.El imperativo
5.Verbo modal can + otros verbos
6.Reading. Where is..?
7.Writing. Is there a bank near here?
8.Listening. Giving directions
9.Listening. Animals
10.Listening. The Three Bears
11.Banco de gramática
Módulo 5. At the restaurant
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. My favourite food
3.Verbos like/hate/love
4.Want / would like
6.Reading. Fruit salad
7.Writing. A simple recipe
8.Listening. At the restaurant
9.Listening. British food
10.Banco de gramática
Módulo 6. Hobbies
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Hobbies
3.wh questions
4.short answers be en pasado
6.Reading. We were at the beach
7.Writing. Your last birthday
8.Listening. Sports
9.Listening. Hobbies
10.Banco de gramática
Módulo 7. Shopping.
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Shopping
3.Pasado simple (-ed)
4.Pronunciación verbo -ed
5.Yesterday /ago / last
6.Reading. Shop and sales
7.Writing. Shopping day
8.Listening. At the supermarket
9.Listening. Where to go
10.Banco de gramática
Módulo 8. When I was a child
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Childhood
3.Verbo irregulares pasado
4.Short answers en pasado
5.Have got vs have
6.Reading. Memories
7.Writing. Childhood
8.Listening. Physical description
9.Listening. My dream house
10.Banco de gramática
Módulo 9. In the future
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. The Weather Forecast
3.About the future
4.Recopilación pasado / presente / futuro
5.In / on / at (tiempo)
6.Reading. New year resolution
7.Writing. Resolutions
8.Listening. Viajes. my next trip
9.Listening. Saying goodbye
10.Banco de gramática
Nivel A2
Módulo 1. Planning My Holidays
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Vacation plans
3. Presente continuo con función futuro
4. Futuro con GOING TO
5. Repaso de futuro con Will y diferencias entre Will y Going to
6. Reading. Vacation plans
7. Writing. Vacation plans
8. Listening. Leisure time activities
9. Listening. The Weather
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Módulo 2. My Memories
1. Warming Up
2. Vídeo. Your last vacation
3. El pasado simple regulares e irregulares
4. Pronunciación del pasado en -ed
5. El pasado continuo
6. Reading. Your last holidays
7. Writing. Your last holidays
8. Listening. Sports
9. Listening. Your last job
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Módulo 3. Social Life
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Use polite words
3. Pasado simple vs pasado continuo
4. Adverbios de tiempo
5. Fórmulas de cortesía/amabilidad
6. Reading. Clothes
7. Writing. Clothes
8. Listening. Clothing store
9. Listening. What were you doing?
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Módulo 4. Working at Home
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Housework
3. Can / could / be able to
4. Have to / must / should
5. Repaso de todos los modales
6. Reading. Hosework
7. Writing. Housework
8. Listening. Health
9. Listening. Obligation Modal
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Módulo 5. Travelling
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. At the security gate
3. Usos del infinitivo y gerundio
4. Some y any
5. Preposiciones de lugar
6. Reading. Means of transport
7. Writing. Means of transport
8. Listening. At the airport
9. Listening. Food
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Módulo 6. It Looks Easy
1. Warming Up
2. Vídeo. Make and do
3. Make vs do
4. Adjetivos en -ed y en -ing
5. To look, seem and appear
6. Reading. Jobs
7. Writing. Jobs
8. Listening. Description look, appear and seem
9. Listening. Jobs
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Módulo 7. Comparing Different Elements
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. To lend and to borrow
3. Lend vs borrow
4. Comparativos y superlativos
5. Introducción a los verbos frasales y algunos ejemplos
6. Cómo escribir un email
7. Reading. Email format
8. Writing. Email format
9. Listening. Indoor places
10. Listening. Outdoor places
11. Banco de gramática
12. Glosario
Módulo 8. My House
1. Warming Up
2. Vídeo. Parts of the house
3. Oraciones relativas explicativas y especificativas
4. Algunos nexos
5. Pronombres indefinidos básicos
6. Reading. Parts of the house
7. Writing. Parts of the house
8. Listening. Renting a house
9. Listening. Household life
10. Banco de gramática
Módulo 9. At School
1. Warming Up
2. Vídeo. Education
3. Imperativo completo
4. Adjetivos en -ic / -al
5. Repaso cuadro de todos los pronombres
6. Reading. At school
7. Writing. At school
8. Listening. Subjects
9. Listening. Childhoood games
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Nivel B1
MÓDULO 1. Descriptions
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Description
3. Past simple
4. Comparatives and superlatives
5. Verbos irregulares
6. Reading. History of a city
7. Writing. History of a city
8. Listening. The story of a city
9. Listening. When I grow up
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 2. Short stories
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Short stories
3. Past continuous
4. Past simple vs Past continuous
5. Connectors
6. Reading. A short story
7. Writing. A short story
8. Listening. A fairy tale
9. Listening. Dreams
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 3. Fine dining
1. Warming Up
2. Vídeo. Fine dining
3. Present perfect
4. Never and Ever
5. Yet, already, still, just
6. Reading. Using and losing memory
7. Writing. Using and losing memory
8. Listening. Expresing what you like
9. Listening. Food
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 4. Criminal minds
1. Warming Up
2. Vídeo. Criminal minds
3. Past simple vs Present perfect
4. Can, could, be able to
5. Modal verbs. must, need to, might, don't have
6. Reading. Juvenile crime
7. Writing. Most common crimes
8. Listening. Confession
9. Listening. Video Forensic science lab
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 5. Pizza time
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Pizza time
3. Imperativo
4. I prefer o I'd rather
5. Questions tags
6. Reading. A guideline to be a good..
7. Writing. A guideline to be a good..
8. Listening. Expressing opinions
9. Listening. Giving instructions
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 6. Telephone
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Telephone
3. Introducir subordinadas con because
4. Easily confused prepositions
5. Get + adjective
6. Reading. Giving reasons and making excuses
7. Writing. Giving reasons and making excuses
8. Listening. Phone conversation
9. Listening. Ordering home delivery food
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 7. News
1. Warm up
2. Vídeo. High-Frequency Hearing Test
3. Present perfect continuous
4. Present perfect vs. Present perfect continuos
5. Which vs what
6. Reading. Interesting facts
7. Writing. Interesting facts
8. Listening. What makes you happy
9. Listening. An amazing news
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 8. Planet earth
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Climate change
3. Zero conditional and first conditional
4. Used to
5. Questions. basic rules
6. Reading. Environment- the future of our planet
7. Writing. Environment- the future of our planet
8. Listening. Environment
9. Listening. Our universe
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
MÓDULO 9. Viajes
1. Warming up
2. Vídeo. Visiting Italy
3. Usos del futuro
4. Reflexive and ergative verbs
5. Delexical verbs
6. Reading. Most common holiday places
7. Writing . Most common holiday places
8. Listening. Tourism
9. Listening. Music
10. Banco de gramática
11. Glosario
Nivel B2
Módulo 1. Let's go on a trip
1.Warming up
2.Video. Check in at an airport
3.Verb tenses review
4.Indefinite Pronouns
5.First and Second Conditional
6.Reading. At the airport
7.Writing. Personal experience
8.Listening. Travelling troubles
9.Listening. Flying
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 2. Human body
1.Warming up
2.Video. The Science of Obesity
3.Make vs. do
4.Emphatic do
5.Indirect speech
6.Reading. The human body
7.Writing. Wrinkled fingers
8.Listening. Illnesses
9.Listening. At the doctor
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 3. Tell me about it
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Descriptions
3.Use of "the"
4.Used to
5.Anaphoric "to"
6.Reading. Physical description
7.Writing. Descriptions
8.Listening. Appearance
9.Listening. Personality
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 4. Let's do business
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Business meetings
3.Past perfect simple vs. continuous
4.Impersonal pronouns
5.Some phrasal verbs with "come"
6.Reading. Presentations
7.Writing. Presentation
8.Listening. Meetings 1
9.Listening. Meetings 2
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 5. Wishes
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. Wishes
4.The passive voice
5.Connectors (because of/due to/even though/despite of /although)
6.Reading. Dreams
7.Writing. Dreams
8.Listening. Nightmares
9.Listening. Obsessions
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 6. Jobs
1.Warming up
2.Video. Job interview
3.Third Condicional
4.Hardly / scarcely
6.Reading. Applying for a job
7.Writing. Applying for a job
8.Listening. Conducting an interview
9.Listening. Job interview
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 7. Deadlines
1.Warming up
2.Video. Deadlines
3.On time vs. In time
4.Reciprocal pronouns
5.Modal verbs. suggestion and advice (should/ought to/ could/ you'd better)
6.Reading. Deadlines
7.Writing. Personal deadline
8.Listening. Politeness 1
9.Listening. Politeness 2
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 8. The city
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. City or Village
3.One and ones
4.Relative subordinate clauses
5.Expressing possibility or doubt (may/might/I'm not sure)
6.Reading. Life in the village
7.Writing. Living in a small town
8.Listening. Life in the city
9.Listening. Rhythm of life
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 9. Traditions
1.Warming up
2.Video. National traditions
3.Phrasal verbs. put
4.Phrasal verbs. get
5.Speech cohesion (so, to continue, in other words, for example, ie, )
6.Reading. National traditions
7.Writing. Traditions and customs
8.Listening. National products 1
Nivel C1
Módulo 1. English Media
1.Warming up
2.VIdeo. TV News
3.Passive Voice
4.Have / get something done
5.Impersonal pronouns "it", "there"
6.Reading. English in the news. How to write an article
7.Writing. English in the news. How to write an article
8.Listening. Radio News
9.Listening. Interviews
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 2. Regrets
1.Warming up
2.VIdeo. Regrets
3.Contrast in the past. Past simple/past perfect
4.Wishes and hopes
5.Third Conditional (review of previous conditionals)
6.Reading. Regretting things in the past
7.Writing. Regretting things in the past
8.Listening. Stereotypes
9.Listening. Historical figures
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 3. Giving advice
1.Warming Up
2.Video. Giving advice
3.Modal verbs. Should, must, might, could+ perfect infinitive
4.Verbs followed by infinitive or gerund
6.Reading. Challenges. it is up to you
7.Writing. Challenges. it is up to you
8.Listening. Stress management
9.Listening. Recommendations
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 4. Global warming
1.Warming Up
2.Video. Global warming
3.Should /ought to
4.Emphatic do
5.Reporting people's thoughts and words
6.Reading. Recycling, new habits
7.Writing. Recycling, new habits
8.Listening. Scientific progress
9.Listening. The future of Earth
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 5. New technologies
1.Warming up
2.Video. New technologies
3.Used to/be/get used to
4.As if / As though
5.If only / I wish
6.Reading. Text messaging
7.Writing. Text messaging
8.Listening. Mass communication
9.Listening. Text messages could change English
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 6. Job hunting
1.Warming up
2.Video. Tips to get a job
4.Reflexive pronouns
5.Present Perfect. ever and never
6.Reading. Writing formal and informal letters (cover letters, reference letters)
7.Writing. Writing formal and informal letters (cover letters, reference letters)
8.Listening. CV on youtube- recruitments
9.Listening. Job interviews
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 7. Cultural differences
1.Warming up
2.Video. Overcoming challenges
3.Passive voice review
5.The future perfect tense
6.Reading. Using idioms
7.Writing. Using idioms
8.Listening. Equal opportunities
9.Listening. Best workers
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 8. English slang
1.Warming up
2.Video. Australian Slang
3.Either / Neither
4.Turning verbs into nouns
5.American English / British English differences
6.Reading. Cultural differences in the Anglo-Saxon world
7.Writing. Cultural differences in the Anglo-Saxon world
8.Listening. Slang vs standard English
9.Listening. Youth habits
10.Grammar bank
Módulo 9. Culture and films
1.Warming up
2.Video. My favourite film
3.Setting up a speech. firstly, secondly...
4.Modifiers. basically, quite, certainly
5.Connectors and linking words
6.Reading. Cinema (writing an essay)
7.Writing. Cinema (writing an essay)
8.Listening. talking about films
9.Listening. Arts in Education. Developing creativity
10.Grammar bank
Nivel C2
MÓDULO 1. Learning things
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. What is the most important thing you have learned?
3.Concession clauses
4.Participle clauses
5.Infinitive clauses
6.Reading. Means of communication
7.Writing . Means of communication
8.Listening. Expressing purpose and effect
9.Listening. Agreeing and disagreeing
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 2. Saving the planet
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Five ways to save the planet
3.Inversion after negative adverbs
4.Cleft sentences
6.Reading. Fortune
7.Writing . Luck
8.Listening. Floods
9.Listening. Environment
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 3. Under pressure
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Under pressure
3.Subjunctive and conditionals
4.I wish and if only
5.Unlikely , unreal and past conditions
6.Reading. Fast life
7.Writing . Fast life
8.Listening. Healthy food
9.Listening. Stress
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 4. The wide world of sports
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. Betting sports
3.Pronouns (both, neither, either)
4.Linking sentences and clauses
5.Adverbial linking expressions
6.Reading. Politics
7.Writing. Politics
8.Listening. Sports
9.Listening. Politics
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 5. Decisions
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. Making a smart decision
3.Adverbial clauses of time
4.Emphatic forms in speech
5.Hypothesising in speech
6.Reading. Plans and decisions
7.Writing. Plans and decisions
8.Listening. Regretting decisions
9.Listening. Planning a vacation
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 6. Ways of talking
1.Warming Up
2.Vídeo. Internet acronyms
3.Words after infinitives
4.Some UK English Varieties
5.Other spoken features
6.Reading. Taboo words
7.Writing. Taboo words
8.Listening. Bad words
9.Listening. Abbreviations
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 7. The world of fashion
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. LCF careers
3.Advanced knowledge of adverbs
4.Adjective patterns
5.Gradable and ungradable adjectives
6.Reading. Fashion and clothes
7.Writing. Fashion and clothes
8.Listening. Paying compliments
9.Listening. Criticizing people
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 8. All about books
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. The girl who hated books
3.Exceptions for conditional sentences
4.If and alternatives, present and future conditions
5.Subjunctives and the "unreal" past
6.Reading. Bookshop
7.Writing. Bookshop
8.Listening. E-books
9.Listening. Idiomatic expressions
10.Grammar Bank
MÓDULO 9. Bullying
1.Warming up
2.Vídeo. Childhood bullying
3.Connectors in a sentence or between sentences
4.Dependent prepositions
5.Common collocations
6.Reading. Recycling
7.Writing. Recycling
8.Listening. Cause and effect collocations
9.Listening. Greenhouse effect
10.Grammar bank